Farmers Insurance “We Know from Experience” Integrated Campaign

Drawing from bizarre (but true) claim stories, we created the Farmers Insurance “HALL OF CLAIMS”. Our museum became the backdrop for entertaining tv, rich media, social content, and even destructible preroll ads that users could opt to destroy instead of skip. All these pieces worked in conjunction to prove that Farmers has seen almost everything, and drive over 3 million people to the Hall of Claims site.

Role: Senior Copywriter


Farmers “Stranger Claims” VR Experience

For the two weeks between Friday the 13th and Halloween 2017, Farmers Insurance released the “Stranger Claims". Presented as an interactive 360º Experience, viewers could uncover five creepy, paranormal stories based on real insurance claims. Each story was created with stock-video, plus an oscar-worthy narration by actor J.K. Simmons as Professor Nathaniel Burke. Filmed using a nodal VR rig on a standing set.

Please turn off adblock to enjoy the full VR experience here.

Above: Masthead on Friday the 13th



MidFirst Bank